Welcome to SAFEPASS LSO,
the Logistics métier safety training website.

2022 Summer break: August 6-15

No SAFEPASS certificate or account validations will be done during this time

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This site provides a way for LSO personel to register their safety training in accordance with the framework set by CR EP HSE 081. It is the responsibility of everyone to create and keep their account up to date current with the mandatory safety training and recommended requirements for their current position.

More info: Demo Video

You are responsible for keeping your safety training courses up to date. This site also allows concerned management to monitor the situation with regard to CR EP HSE 081, either individually or across a team.

The information collected is subject to a handling process designed to monitor safety training of employees of the EP metier, as identified in the EP HSE CR 081 and applicable trade CRs.

The recipients of the data are line managers, and any person responsible for monitoring the compliance of the rules mentioned.
In accordance with the regulations, you have a right to access and rectify your information, which you can exercise by contacting the entity responsible for your training.

You can also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of your data.